Thursday, November 10, 2011

A President Nielson Wish for the Wolska Chapel

From the first moment President walked into the Wolska Chapel on the evening of June 30, 2010, he commented, "This is too nice of a cultural hall to not have a basketball standard". He has been trying to figure out how to solve this. What is a Church cultural hall without a basketball hoop? Since Elders Garrett, Eastman and Nielson came in the night before, because of being far away in Gdansk and Bydgoszcz, they headed out early at 7:00am to assist and have their last big "service project" in Poland.
As things were getting underway, the Assistants- Hillyard and Dabrowski arrived having just dropped all the trainers and trainees off at the train station. The hall had parts and pieces everywhere.
Godfrey had been outside and came in to help. This turned into a big project. Some of the pieces didn't fit, but Godfrey came to the rescue with drills and manpower.
The group decided to make this historical day a memoriable one also. So they signed a piece of paper as participants and then made their own "time capsule". Guess where they buried their document?
That's right... inside the pole! This was a great day and a fun experience. They had to hurry and finish the service project, however; because Elder Garrett had his passport stolen the day before. In order for him to fly home tomorrow morning, he needed to be issued a temporary passport from the US Embassy.
The excitement was building. This was becoming a reality.
After a couple of mistakes from not reading the instructions and being too anxious to put things together, they finally finished and actually played for a few minutes before addressing the passport problem. It looked so great to see this. Our only cultural hall in Poland and a place for everyone to play basketball (and hang things on or around for branch socials).
Its done! The finished product. Now you can play basketball in the Wolska Chapel. This was an historic day. President thinks they can send him home now, because his work is finished....

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