Saturday, November 26, 2011

Poland Seminary and Institute Teacher Training

Saturday morning at the Wolska Chapel was a well planned out day of Seminary and Institute Training. These two showed up a little early, found a ball and it started...

Rafel from Warsaw (the Warsaw District Executive Secretary) and Karol (from Kielce and an institute instructor) got into a game and had a great time.

Some of the group that attended and showed up ready to go- Elder and Sister Jensen (Wroclaw) Ewa (Bydgoszcz), Karol (Kielce), Dominik (Warsaw l) Sister and Elder Simons.
Elder and Sister Jensen, reviewing the details of their workshop before their presentation.

Dominik was in the other room preparing for his workshop and opened his scriptures and a picture came out that his son had drawn for him. He is a great instructor and even a better father.

Some of our wonderful Polish members who are becoming great instructors in the Gospel, thanks to the help and guidance from Elder and Sister Simons. Andrzej from Krakow, Karol , Ewa and Dominik. They all are great.

Elder and Sister Tarasevich also attended from Lodz. The are a fantastic support in the branch and do just about everything to further the work. Our senior couples do so much with the branches and the members. Besides having many responsibilities, they show everyone how the Church operates.

Agata and Tim also attended from Lodz. She is a marvelous instructor and only getting better and better. Thank you all for attending and supporting the wonderful efforts of Elder and Sister Simons. The Seminary and Institute program is touching the lives of so many in Poland. Becoming better teachers of the gospel allows everyone to make better choices and live better lives.

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