Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Makro before the snow hits....

Makro in Poland is like Costco or Sam's Club in America. I can go there and buy many items we need in bulk and things you can't get anywhere else. So I asked the Assistants to go with me on a big run to buy as much as I needed before the weather turns bad and it becomes more difficult to make the trek across Warsaw to buy things. We ended up buying enough to fill 5 large carts. First Elder Dabrowski started loading the new Transporter with Juice. We have enough Juice for the mission for many months...
He got tired so Elder Hillyard took over for him and the boxes just kept coming....
Next they started loading all the bottle bottles. This run to Makro is for food the missionaries, guests, YSA's and office will use for the next several months. We are just starting...

Then we started loading cleaning supplies, laundry detergents and cookies, chips and bread...

We're about half way with canned goods, flour and rice...

With paper goods loaded in with everything else on the list, it was time to head home.

Now where to put everything. From start to finish it was a 6 hour trip. I don't think the Assistants will go on another trip with me. Well I know these Assistants won't go because this will last us until March. By that time they will be back out in the field again. Shhh... don't tell them that!

The whole time we were unloading the Transporter, President was in his office on the phone. He came down the last 10 minutes to help bring in a few items. Wouldn't you know it...he cuts his hand on a staple on one of the boxes and had to leave again to get a bandaid... thanks alot!

It was a long day but thanks to great assistants it was made so much easier and went smoother.

This was by far the largest food purchase I have ever made. But this will last everyone for months and months. I didn't know when I would be able to go again if we didn't do it today. December will be a busy month (as will January- April). Never a dull moment in the mission field...but I love it!

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