Friday, June 15, 2012

Wednesday to Olsztyn and Thursday to Lodz.

As President and I headed to Olsztyn Thursday morning, something happened that I did not think would occur for another year. We went to America (well, Ameryka). Not only was I not expecting this until 2o13, but I remembered it being different than this! We passed through Ameryka so fast, that we won't even bother to tell the Area Presidency that we did. Besides, we did not leave the mission. Have you ever been to Ameryka, Poland?

The next interesting thing that we saw was the mobile Pigeon man. I am not sure where this guy was heading, but he had his pigeons (a lot of them!) with him. Some peope walk their dogs while others take their pigeons out for a ride.

We met Olek and Alicja in Olsztyn and had a wonderful meeting. These great people made lunch for us, and we just had the best time. We find that the Polish people will do anything for you. This meal was one of the best we have had in Poland. Olek and Alecja will always be close to our hearts and dear friends forever. They have no idea what they have done for President and me.

This morning (Friday), President and the Assistants headed to Lodz by train. Along the way the train stopped in Zyrardow and President just had to take a picture of this station (stop). Why? Months ago Elder Kryzminski was on a transfer heading to Kielce. In Warsaw, one of the other Elders helped him make a tranfer but put him on the wrong train. Heading out of Warsaw, Elder Krzyminski realized he was on the wrong train and got off at the next stop...the city of Zyrarkow. He waited there until the next train came. Without a cell phone, we had no idea where he was (and he really didn't know either). Hours later he showed up in Kielce. It was a much more detailed story (which included a trip for President to the Police Station). Hence, this is a legendary stop for missionaries in Poland.

The business was taken care of in Lodz then they all got together for lunch. Elders Tarasevich, Szyminski, Myler, Basha and Johnson. Joining them was Sebastian, a great new member and friend of everyone.

When all was finished, Elder Tarasevich took everyone to the train station. It was a productive day in Lodz. Thank you great missionaries and the great members in Poland for all you do. We travel to Kielce and Lubin this weekend. Stay tuned for Baptisms!

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