One of the real joys is having the mission office truly within walking distance. The first four months of driving to the old mission office just about did us in. It was usually 45-60 minutes (sometimes more!) in traffic...one way. To think that you can now walk to the office is a dream come true. This also means that mission training conferences can be held in the mission office and everyone can walk to the mission home for meals.
Walk down on Kosiarzy, hang a left on Wiertnica and about 7 minutes later, your are at the mission office. We have really been blessed to have had the mission home purchased by the Church and now the mission office operating so smoothly and so close together.
Well, it's off to Leadership Meeting where we will be meeting with the Assistants, Zone Leaders, District Leaders and Trainers in the mission. We are setting goals for 2011, and we are excited and ready to baptize!!! The meeting started with a great movie skit put on by our Assistants. (A big THANK YOU to our son, Dane, for sharing his filming and editing talents while he was here in Poland.)
Elders Garrett and Tribe, our assistants, who led the theme of our Leadership Training of "Stay on Target"!
Again, we feel so blessed to have the mission home so close to the mission office. During lunch break, we all walked over to the mission home for a special meeting....the Church purchased the Mission Home a few months ago and President Nielson dedicated it to the work of the Lord. Hundreds of Missionaries will come and go through this home for many years to come. We were excited to be part of this historic event.
After the Dedication, we had lunch then it was back to the Mission Office (on foot!) for the last parts of instruction and training.
The Leaders of the Poland Warsaw Mission:
Front Row L to R: Sisters Smith, Allen, and Bailey; Elders Garrett, Tribe, Klosowiak, and Dabrowski.
Back Row L to R: Elders Leimer, Augustyn, Lundin, Murphey, Kennedy, Hillyard, Kalinowski, Torke, Sheridan, Davis, Plumb, Nielson, Eastman, and Buckner.
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