What a great way to celebrate 'Pioneer Day' in Poland!!! Members of the Church met at a beautiful park in Lublin to celebrate this historic day in Mormon History...entering the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Great talks, food, visiting, singing, slide presentation and the biggest campfire we have ever seen helped commemorate this great day. The Guests of Honor were Walter and Mary Whipple -- the 1st Mission President of Poland. Pictured above are some of the 'Polish Pioneers' in attendance...Irena, Monika, Ania, Andrzej, Malgorzata, Beata, Kathryn

Brothers Rzeczycka i Gladun were our marvelous cooks. A big 'thanks' to these wonderful brothers. It was delicious!

President Grzegorz Pawlik (President of the Katowice District) and his family. His wife Lisa, Spencer, David, Aaron and Ewi. A fun group to have around.
Also celebrating Elder Thomson's birthday with Beata Gladun who organized the Pioneer Day in Lublin. A huge thanks to her and all she did.

The group singing pioneer songs- "Come, Come Ye Saints" featuring, President Whipple, Elders Lewis, Peatrowsky, Thomson and Handley. Members- Monika, Malgorzata, Maciej i Dominik.

President Whipple standing next to the fire roasting a Polish Sausage- Kebab. This was a BIG fire- hopefully just like the pioneers.

The chapel in Lublin. Our cars are parked out in front. The door above the red car is the entrance and if you look above the small a/c unit on the balcony, you can see our Church sign.
Hi you guys! The blog looks great. I love the picture of the front of your chapel. So different than our chapels here!