Starci Torke, Buckner i Moon. Siostry Pritchett, Cholewinska, Powles, i Moon. Lodz District

Starci Peatrowsky, Handley, Mehner, Lewis i Siostry Smith i LeFevre. Starci Balija, Harding i Siostra Harding i Starzy Thomson. Lublin i Warsaw II Districts

Warsaw I and Bialystok Districts---Starzy i Siostra Thueson, Starzy i Siostra Ireland i Siostra Galbraith. Starci Clemons, Crittendon i Siostry Brown i Bautner. Starci Turley, Stohel i Plumb.

After church in Gdansk. The Church owns this beautiful building and yard. Attending this meeting were people who spoke German, Polish, Czeck, English, and Finnish. Yes....the Elders were translating and going a mile a minute....at times the translating in the congregation was louder than the speaker! It felt like we were in a United Nations meeting. President Nielson and I were the speakers and it was our first real meeting where we used translators and we found out how difficult it can be. You have to pause and let the translation catch up and still keep your train of thought. With all of the languages and conversations going on, it was a task. The Spirit, however, could be felt and was very strong. Our church is truly an international church! Heavenly Father loves all His children and wants them all to hear His message of the Restored Gospel in their own tongue.

We think this is a stork. We dont have time to research it this morning- story of our lives right now- no time or late. Anyway, you see this often out in the country side. A large nest built on top of a telephone or power line pole. These birds are rather large and its quite a feat to contruction this large nest on the top.
These are storks, you're right!