Attending the good-bye dinner were the Office Elders. Elder Gudnason will be going back into the field next week for transfers. It was great to have these Elders in tonight. Lets see, Elder Myler has been in also for a few months... (let's not speculate!)
We need to keep a piece of Elder Klosowiak so everyone who comes into the Mission Home will remember this great Elder. Now remember, we give him something in return so it's not just a one way thing...
We followed this up with a great testimony meeting. These are great missonaries. Elders Gudnason and Dopp are doing a great job in the mission office. Elder Klosowiak still needed to do some last minute packing, and then it was off to bed. This morning we woke up at 3:15am to get to the airport for him to catch a 6:00am flight to Amsterdam and then home to Chicago.
Elder Klosowiak did a great job for us translating when we attended the Gdansk Branch a few weeks ago. He is a great missionary I can wishes to this fine Elder...and thanks to his family for sharing him with the people in Poland!