Not only Missionary interviews were going on in the chapel today...
The Zelewskis dropped by for a temple recommend interview with President Jarosz, and we insisted on sharing lunch with them. This is ONE of the many great families we have in the Bydgoszcz Branch.
Lessons were also being held....such as this one with this great Investigator that the Zone Leaders are teaching.
On the way home from the chapel, I spotted something I couldn't resist.
Can you see anyone in this picture that looks familiar? Yes, it looks like it will be a ticket for 'one'!
...and this is why! President Nielson is not a fan of the ferris wheel....
...but I LOVE THEM!
This one was a high one and it was beautiful to see Bydgoszcz from the air! Up here, I spotted a familiar face....
President Jarosz was in Bydgoszcz for interviews and apartment business. Maybe I could talk him into the next ride.....
Another ticket for 'one'. It looks like the Presidents (Nielson and Jarosz) are in complete agreement when it comes to carnival rides.
But I had a good time!
It was a small carnival, but it was fun. I certainly didn't think our visit to Bydgoszcz would include was a nice surprise!
Later that night, we met with President Isaac (Bydgoszcz Branch President) and his wife, Renata. We are so grateful to serve alongside great people like the Jarosz's and the Isaac's. They are faithful, love the Lord and are doing much to further the work here. (Note the statue.....we have been looking for a large wooden Polish statue to bring home, and we think we may have a lead!) I LOVE THIS CHURCH AND I LOVE THE POLISH SAINTS!
Sister Nielson, you are so awesome to go on those rides by yourself. I can't believe they wouldn't go with you!