This weekend we found ourselves in Poznan with this great branch! Notice there are two special visitors in the back on the right....President Zelewski and his daughter, Maja, who both spoke today in Sacrament Meeting. Also, Marion....(the man in the suit sitting on the aisle on the 3rd row)...was baptized last month and is the newest member of the Branch....but not for long. You'll see!
In Sunday School, we had a great New Testament lesson taught by the branch Gospel Doctrine instructor, Marta.
The Young Women's program is doing well in Poznan. Maja, Natalie, Sister Smith (YW President), and Iza.
The Poznan Relief Society. L to R: Bozena, Beata, Guaya, Gosia, Sister Ellis, Malgorzata (Relief Society President), Marta, and Grazyne.
Sister Ellis and Smith with their investigator, Beata.
Natalie and Guaya...the soon-to-be newest members of the Branch...will be baptized this month.
Elders Johnson and Torke (Branch President) have been teaching Natalie. Here they are shown with Natalie's parents, Michal and Gosia.
After Church, President Nielson, the Elders and Grzegorz (a member of the Branch presidency) went to the largest cemetary I had ever been to and placed flowers on the grave of a sweet sister who had been a member of the Poznan Branch who had recently passed away, Joanna Mazurkiewicz.
We passed a row of very elaborate and huge family graves.
Family members take great pride in taking care of their loved ones gravesites.
A few of the graves we passed had these stickers on them. These gravesites are going to be destroyed and new ones put in thier place if the 'rent' is not paid on them. Every 20-25 years a family member must pay money to keep the site. This sticker indicates that it's time to pay or the grave will be removed.
On a happier note.....
On the way home from the cemetary, we passed this giant football stadium that is being built to host some of the 2012 World Cup games in Poland. This stadium will seated over 90,000 spectators.
Elders Johnson, Torke and Grzegorz.
Other views of the stadium...
In person it looks like a giant marshmellow.... But it is really quite impressive!
Ahhh, that Poznan branch holds a dear place in my heart. I was able to see Grazyna and her daughter, Iza, baptized while I was there. I spent so many evenings at Johanna's and Bozena's house- that's such a special branch :)