If you have been involved with the Poland Warsaw Mission in the past few years, you know both of these great young people. The missionaries, while in the MTC, were taught by Brother Kuhle and Sister Thacker worked with the senior couples. Both served as missionaries here in Poland. We enjoyed both of them while visiting the MTC. Alyson was so patient, kind, understanding and forgiving- to us and more so to agentkuhleman.
Great to see that Michael finally saw what everyone else did. Congratulations and hope to see you at the Euro Cup 2012.
Dziekujemy za mily post, tylko chcielismy czytac wasz blog a niespodzianka, tam bylo nasze zdjecie! Jestescie super naprawde, dzieki za wszystko co robicie. Kochamy was! (Od Brata Kuhlemana i jego laski. Teraz mam nowy email dziekuje bardzo ha).
ReplyDeleteOh, I already miss you! There's no place like home... except for the mission home. I hope we'll see each other soon! When will that probably be? Oh yeah, visit my blog at http://eviething.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI need to go to get ready for bed now, so good bye!