After church, we took a drive around Krakow and saw.....
you're right.....another cool bridge! And a few other great landmarks like....
Wawel Hill---full of more Polish history than any other place in the country. When it warms up, we plan on spending hours here......but not in 16 degree Fahrenheit weather! The sky is blue but don't let it deceive was cold!
Monday is P-Day in the Poland Warsaw Mission. The Krakow district invited us to tour Schindler's Factory with them. This is a brand new museum (opened in 2010) which documents the Nazi occupation of Krakow during WWII.
Elders Ball and Klosowiak in Oskar Schindler's office. We are standing in front of a display of enamal ware that was made in the factory. Convincing the Nazi's that he needed these employees, Schindler (a German businessman)was able to save 1000+ Jews (men, women, children, handicapped) from the death camps. He had a change of heart for these people after coming to Poland and seeing what was happening.
An original 'cup press' used in the factory. Elders Ball, Klosowiak, Hinckley, and Curtis.
After the tour of the factory, we headed to Old was another VERY cold day...
...but this man was diligently doing his job! Bless his heart!
The Rynek in Krakow.....the largest medievil town square in Europe. Dominating the square is this large building....Cloth Hall. The ground floor is full of small souvenir and craft shops while the top floor is a contemporary art museum.
Another large structure in the square is the Basilica of the Assumption of Our lady. The inside of this is worth seeing. We were surprised to see some 100 people (even several teenagers) kneeling and praying on a Monday afternoon. You will see more of this Rynek in warmer months to come! As you can tell, we were on a quick walking tour and were actually headed to eat lunch at this cool restaurant with some members of the Krakow branch...
'Grandma Raspberry's!' L to R: Elder Ball, President Dziubla, Elder Klosowiak, Jay, Pawel (who is a professional jousting knight!), and Elders Hinckley and Curtis.
On our way to District meeting with the Missionaries, we spotted this interesting monument celebrating the Battle of Grunwald---depicting a great victory faught against the Tutonic Order in 1410. It was erected in 1910--500 years after the battle. In 1939, the Germans took it apart to use the bronze for war equipment....but not before sceptors, swords, coats of arms were hidden by some brave polish citizens. It was rebuilt in 1972.
The Krakow District: Elders Klosowiak (District Leader serving in Kielce), Hinckley (serving in Krakow), Curtis (serving in Kielce) and Ball (serving in Krakow). It was great to visit this part of Poland and watch these great missionaries in action. I can't wait to come back when it is warmer to see the great sights this city has to offer. But most of all to see this branch grow because of the efforts of these dedicated missionaries.
Hi, Sister Nielson. I am researching the Krakow area for a future visit and keep landing on your Web site. Our ancestors are from Tarnow (two hours east of Krakow) and my dad and I are going to come to visit their villages in the summer. If you know of a member of the branch there who might be able to give me advice, will you pass the information to me? My email is epcarr (at) hotmail (dot) com. Thanks! Elizabeth