After setting aparts the Mission Presidency and the Warsaw District Presidency meet.
The District Single Adult Representatives- right Rafal Poforzelski i Agnieszka Kowalska. The District Young Single Adult Male Representative- left side- Dominik Lyzwinski. Ewa Kolesinka (seated left) is our national Webmaster for the Polish Website in Public Affairs.
The Shaha and Nabozny families.
The food committee- who did all the work- Agnieszka Kowalska, Sylwia Zelewski, Anja Kulinicz, i Iwona Jarosz.
The Wencels, Rzeczyckis and Ewa Kolesinka, enjoying dinner before the Saturday night session.
Maja Rzeczycka and Maja Zelewski visiting with Elder Klosowiak.
Lukasz Cieslinski and Elder Turley, before Lukasz is ordained an Elder from the Szczecin Branch
Sister Susan was baptized just before the conference on Saturday morning and then confirmed in the Sunday morning session. Sisters Allen and Le Fevre along with Elder Harding who is the Branch President in Warsaw ll.
Hi you guys! You are doing great at updating regularly. I put some pictures of Zach's birthday on our blog if you have time. Miss you!