Bishop Paul and Maureen Clayton.

President Jeff Parker, Scott Bennett and our grandson, Dax.

Tom and Linda Ross, Vince and Nancy Landvatter and Jackie Cannon- cousins. Thank you for traveling to see us.

Nola Harber, Kimber Hughes (our neice) and Aunt Lisa (Parker)

Bishop Chris Hilbus and his wife Gwen.

Our stake president and his wife. President Kurt K. Teshima and Gaylene.

A couple of guys in for a free party.

The Tanner family- Leesee, President Tanner (first temple president of the Las Vegas temple) Karen (who always takes care of us) and Vivie Biddle.

The Raul Fernandez family

Bishop David and Becky Fife.

Our Stake Patriarch, Bruce Bennion and his wife, Peggy.

Pam Littlejohn and David and Lynn Mundt

Annette and Andrew Larsen
A HUGE thank you to the members of the Lakes Stake for a wonderful evening... especially the Stake Presidency for all the work in doing this.
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